Managed Security Services Explained

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An increasing number of business owners are recognizing the value of strong cybersecurity standards. Yet, many do not have the time or resources to implement them. Managed security services (MSS) fill this gap by creating and managing advanced security protocols and practices.

Despite the growing recognition of its value, far too many businesses, even large firms, rely on free-to-use or low-cost tools. Cost-effectiveness is usually the reason given. However, this idea is misleading. The cost of preventative security solutions is much more affordable than the cost of a breach.

Outsourcing to a managed security company makes advanced cybersecurity even more affordable. So, let’s take a closer look at how they can protect you from cyber threats.


What is a Managed Security Services Provider?

Managed security service providers (MSSPs) are IT firms for hire focused on cybersecurity. Businesses often outsource to an MSSP when they can’t afford the overhead of in-house resources. However, many MSSPs extend existing teams to take cyber protection to the next level.

Large enterprises can also take advantage of MSSPs. Even with plenty of resources, you can always benefit from the hyper focused expertise and advanced technology of a managed IT security services partner.


What Do IT Managed Security Services Providers Offer?

MSSPs offer a wide range of cybersecurity services based on their expertise. Many will include different service packages that you can choose depending on your needs. Some of the services offered are as follows.


Cloud Security Managed Services

Cloud data tends to be more secure than on-prem data. Yet, it’s not without risks. An MSSP partner can show you how to keep your cloud secure and do the work for you. Data is also particularly vulnerable during migration. An MSSP knows exactly how to transfer data safely.


Managed Network Security Services

In today’s interconnected world, networks are vital for communication, data sharing, and conducting business operations. They’re also an easy way for hackers to infiltrate your business. Managed network security providers keep a constant eye on your network to spot and stop suspicious activity.

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Managed Detection & Response

A lot of MSSPs offer MDR services. This service includes a dedicated team of experts who rapidly detect and respond to any potential threat before it becomes a problem. This prevents malware and breaches from halting operations.


Digital Forensics

High-quality MSSPs may offer digital forensics services. This means that they investigate and collect evidence on digital threats. That helps you pinpoint the source of insecurity and patch it before it’s a problem. Some will also help you deal with cyber extortionists and stay safe in negotiations.


Anti-Spam Filters

Phishing is one of the number one causes of data breaches. Awareness is important, but bad actors are increasingly sophisticated making them harder to catch. MSSPs can install anti-spam filters in your network to reduce the chance of these emails entering your inbox.


Cyber Awareness Training

95% of successful cyber attacks were due to human error. That means your employees are your most important line of defense. An MSSP can show you tips and tricks to help you keep your team cyber aware.

Managed Security Services Provider


Benefits of Choosing a Partner That Focuses on Managed IT Security Services

There are a lot of generalized managed service providers (MSPs) on the market that include cybersecurity services in their offerings. However, there are several reasons why an MSSP is a better choice.


Focused Expertise

MSPs take care of all forms of information technology. This widespread approach means that they’re focusing on a lot of things all at once. MSSPs stick to information security. They have a more focused approach and are more likely to be trained in advanced cybersecurity techniques like penetration testing.


Stronger Security Tools

Because MSSPs are highly-specialized experts, they’re more likely to know about more advanced security tools. They’ll also cater their choices to your business needs and may provide on-site consulting to ensure that you get the best bang for your buck.


Access to Threat Intelligence

As experts in their field, MSSPs know where to access the latest threat intelligence. This means they’ll help you stay ahead of emerging trends in the cybersecurity world. It also means that they’ll be able to upgrade your system to match what might be coming.


Faster Incident Responses

Most MSPs also offer 24×7 monitoring and management. However, they’re balancing cybersecurity with IT support and infrastructure management. MSSPs are 100% dedicated to threat hunting and surveillance. That means they’re ready to jump on any potential threat right away.


Learn More About What an MSSP Can Do For You


Get Started With Cyber Security Managed Services

Think an MSSP is right for your organization? The next step is finding the right partner. Not every MSSP is equipped to deal with big networks. If you choose someone who’s too used to only helping small businesses, you might not get the full protection you need for your expansive network.

Redpoint Cybersecurity employs military-grade cyber defense experts. Our team has experience protecting the federal government and large commercial enterprises. With that kind of background, you can rest assured that we have the skills and integrity to protect your business.

Our focused MSSP service provides advanced expertise and techniques. We’re capable of:

  • NextGen firewalls
  • MDR & EDR
  • Digital forensics
  • Network monitoring
  • Cloud security
  • Cybersecurity knowledge to boost your security program

Get in touch to get started.


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